I recently came across some sad news that prompted me to return to my blog after months of being overwhelmed which kept me busy with the other parts of my life. And for this, I sincerely apologize to those of you who have shown interest in my thoughts since I began this wonderful adventure in the world of publishing.
I found out by pure chance through an email regarding a Leukemia & Lymphoma Society fundraiser that my friend and fellow A-ha lover, Debbie H. Martinez, after whom the rambunctious, yet completely endearing, character Maggie in Nonstop Oslo is modeled, had passed away earlier this year. Debbie was a cancer survivor and a patron of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. When I first read the email from Jamie Yohn, I wasn’t sure I understood what I was reading: “In honor of Debbie I have taken her place on the Executive Fundraising Committee for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Societies annual event: Light the Night. As a 30-year survivor, this was one of her biggest passion projects until her passing in January.” My head spun. But I stubbornly refused to believe it because I was sure I had spoken to Debbie back in March of this year, so it couldn’t be my Debbie. I immediately went back to our messages and sadly found that my last exchange with her dated back to October 2022 when she was helping me to promote “Nonstop Oslo” on various Facebook groups affiliated with the band. I sadly got confirmation earlier this week from another fellow A-ha lover, whom I had met in the same group, that Debbie had indeed passed away.
I met Debbie and a few other ladies on the A-ha Great World Fan Page Group back in 2014, and it was a great place to exchange and share our die-hard love for the mighty trio from Norway. Living in Haiti, I had no one other than my oldest daughter Laura to share this love and excitement for my Norwegian boys with, so the Fan page was a wonderful place to be. The enthusiasm there was on fire. Debbie had already been to Norway a few times, including to see Morten Harket, A-ha’s most handsome and talented lead singer, in concert as a solo artist. I wished I could have been there too but I had no idea that so much was going on with A-ha and Morten Harket until I joined the group. So, when the April 2016 Oslo concert was announced back in September 2015, I felt in my gut that I needed to be there. It would basically be a dream come true to hear this great band play 30 years after my first concert with them back on September 14, 1986. I immediately reached out to Debbie and she enthusiastically proceeded to recommend hotels for me to stay at in downtown Oslo.
The first night I arrived in Oslo, after getting lost at the train station near my hotel, I took a taxi to Samfunns Salens where the A-ha fan convention was being held. As I stood in line, I noticed, about 10 to 12 people ahead of me, a couple of ladies whom I immediately recognized as Debbie and Clara even though I could only see their backs. I snaked my way up to them and called out their names. They both turned to look at me and I quickly introduced myself. The squeals could be heard all around the room. They immediately put a glass of wine into my hand and I proceeded to empty it in a flash. This was going to be a great party! And, it was.
The ladies and I, plus Leanna from Canada, had a wonderful time in Oslo. Some of these adventures are recounted in a previous blog, “The Funny Little Coincidences On My Real Trip To Oslo”. After so many of these little coincidences between my story and what was happening in real life, I had decided to share my manuscript with Debbie and Clara just so they could freak out just as much as I did. They did. But they also had several nice little comments about the story that warmed my heart. One, in particular, made me laugh. “Naughty girl!” it said. Debbie had been excited about being in the book, and after it was released in September 2022, she proceeded to post in one of the groups that she belonged to, “I am Maggie!” Debbie had read the original manuscript where I had not yet changed any of the names in my story because I had not yet made up my mind about publishing it. I could tell that she was slightly disappointed that I hadn’t kept the original names in the published version, but, at the time, I thought it best to change all the names, including the name of the band, while still keeping their spirit alive. I am sorry, my friend. Sadly, my trip to Oslo was the last time I ever saw my friend. We had planned on meeting up in Paris for another concert at La Seine Musicale a couple of years later, but I backed out last minute because I had used up all of my remaining vacation days for a family emergency. She planned on catching the band in Leeds and Dublin. We tried again in March of 2022 when we both attended a wonderful sold-out A-ha concert at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. It was Debbie’s husband Tino’s birthday that day. I had been looking forward to meeting him. Unfortunately, we never caught up to each other in person since we’d missed each other’s frantic messages, but of course, as the unstoppable train that she is, Debbie got to see Morten and the boys back stage at a Meet and Greet. Again, where was I? I just keep missing my destiny…
So, I wanted to close this blog with a few words to Debbie Heath Martinez, my best friend in my fantasy life..
Dearest Debbie, I regret all the things we never got to do together. The secrets we never shared in real life. The advice I only imagined. The wedding you never attended. I’m sorry we never really got to know each other. The cause you supported because it was so close to you. You were a survivor and you fought the good fight until the end. I had no idea what you had been going through when I reached out to you in October of last year. You willingly helped me spread the word bout the book even when you weren’t well. Thank you for reaching out to the Kelner boys, Kenneth and JP, about my story. I am sorry I couldn’t be a better friend. I am sorry I never got to meet your husband and your son. I hope he’s doing well in college. One thing I do know is that you were my soul sister in our common love for three Norwegian greats. The very reason we could meet in a far away place… your stumping ground, but a new land for me. I recognized you in an instant, you and Clara, and I will always cherish those memories. I’m sure you left an un-fillable hole in the lives of those you loved and those who loved you back. That small woman with a huge personality. My rambunctious Maggie. I miss you, fantasy friend. As real to me as any other person could have been. My heart recognizes you and will never forget you.
Please support “The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society”. Someone you know will be grateful for your contribution.
In the words of Jaime Yohn, “Please consider following the link below to donate this year in her [Debbie] honor and support research looking for an end to blood cancer. With an emphasis on pediatrics the impact this society has on families is huge.”

The happy bunch at the A-ha Fan Convention in Olso, Norway in April 2016. Debbie and I are 2nd and 3rd from the left.

My fellow A-ha lover Debbie Heath Martinez. Rest in Peace, my friend.
Nadine, I’m so sorry for you loss! For Debbie’s passing yes, but also the time lost and adventures never experienced together. I’m glad you do have some very special and spectacular memories with your friend. May God comfort you as you grieve. Love you, bunches, my friend!
Thank you so much, dearest Emily! I do indeed regret all of it. This woman was a powerhouse and I just got a note from JP Paulsen of Kelner who told me that I described her as he knew her – “always very lovely, full of life, and joy.”